Friday, October 3, 2008

Time to Reflect

Well our days are numbered now, we've made our rounds and have ended up in Pennsylvania. Last night we had the opportunity to do some reflecting with my home congregation, University Mennonite in State College, PA and we'll spend our weekend with Randy's home church, Gingerich's Mennonite.

The highlight this week was having two opportunities (in Goshen and State College) to reflect on our experiences this summer. It is amazing to look back on our summer. We put on a lot of miles, met lots of people and have learned so much.

Personally this summer has challenged me to put my faith to words in ways I haven't done before. I don't think that our faith should all be about words, but for me, as I have had to speak what I believe and why I choose to live the way I do, it becomes more real. God has become more real to me in the life of our small community. My team mates, Jess, Mark, Matt and Randy, have challenged me and encouraged me to live into my faith in God in new ways.

I appreciate so much what the larger church community has to offer. As Christians we can find comfort, support, accountability and trust in our communities of faith. Churches/congregations are not perfect, but I'm convinced that we need them. We need the corporate worshiping community to strengthen the personal faith, even if we don't always agree on the fine print.


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