Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Turn the TV off... and Tell a Story

Hello all,
I hope this post finds everyone doing well in all of your respective life adventures. Here is something I have been thinking about lately.. I am realizing more and more how much I really enjoy just relaxing in Gods creation without life's distractions...aka technology, to get in the way. For example, this past week while in Montana, I was without my cell phone, and any internet connection for longer then i have been in a long time. Now, for some this may not be a big deal, but coming out of college, I have come to realize just how dependent, and how much I take for granted..technology. However, after this week, I can say that I really didn't miss it that much .

It's true! There is something nice about simply spending time (and talking) with people in person, enjoying a late night camp fire, sleeping in a tent, not having a shower, getting my water out of a fresh spring, and yes..there is something nice about not worrying about the technology to distract us in life. In fact, while I was reflecting on this, I even began to think that when I am a parent and have kids, what if there would be no TV in the house. There is so much more productive stuff to fill our time- a very valuable resource, and how much of that time do we waste with technology? Not only that- it seems not having so much technology around leaves more room for telling stories, remembering who we are, and where we have come from.

So in closing, I would encourage everyone in the next week ahead..to think about turning the TV off.. save the movie for another week, give the cell phone a break, and let the computer rebound from its stressful weekend. Get outside, pick some strawberries (if they are still around), spend time with your friends and family, take a walk (or a run) , tell some stories to your kids, hear some stories from your parents, enjoy life... and thank God for all of it!

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